Get ready to meet one amazing young lady and PROMISE keeper! Aleah Duncan attends Buchtel CLC where she is a sophomore. She works hard in school and upholds the PROMISE to go to school, do her homework, be respectful toward others, and be a good remodel and she looks forward to one day finishing school! Aleah loves playing volleyball and making jewelry. Don’t be surprised to see her sporting blue and green often as those are her favorite colors. She is very involved with the Foundation’s Wheels for Ed kids through serving as a member of the Gamma Class of 330 Ambassadors. She loves volunteering in her community and says she always wanted a little sister or brother… now she has lots of them through the Wheels for Ed program! She attended Case Elementary as a youngster and now volunteers at Helen Arnold among other places in the community. She is proud to be from Akron and says it is because, "My family roots are here and I see Akron becoming a great place." If you asked Aleah about her involvement with the Foundation and the Wheels for Ed program, she would tell you that, "It has impacted my life a lot. It feels so good to know that kids can tell me stuff and ask me for advice." She’d go on to say, "It has changed the way I look at life because the things I have taken for granted that I assume I should have or some of the most simple things to me, some of these kids have never seen or had before. It’s so nice that the kids look at me and can talk to me. I know that isn’t the easiest thing to do."
Aleah is enthusiastic about life and her work with the kids in her community. Her positive attitude and joyful nature is contagious and she is a PROMISE keeper. She takes being a role model to the Wheels for Ed kids very seriously and she says, "I just hope with my volunteering that the advice and help I give the kids can help them somewhere in life, whether it’s tomorrow, next week, or next year!"