Spock and Kirk, Cameron and Mitchell, Bert and Ernie, Chandler and Joey, and Batman and Robin; none of them can hold a candle to Wheels for Education’s own dynamic duo, brother and sister, Jaime and Jordan.

Jaime is a stellar athlete whose favorite sport is basketball; he will be attending Akron’s science, technology, engineering and math specialty school, NIHF STEM. Jordan is an avid reader and has a passion for language arts; she will be attending Akron’s performing arts specialty school, Miller South. Although their passions are taking them to two different specialty schools, they worked hard to have one thing in common: great grades. Both Jaime and Jordan received A+’s and B+’s for the year.

"I love doing PowerPoints," said Jordan, who was referencing last year’s Wheels for Ed pre-fall tech camp; she’s a computer whiz.

"My son hates jewelry, but he love his LeBron bands," said Jaime’s mom, Elizabeth. Jaime and Jordan have a ton of Mr. LeBron’s specialty "jewelry," in fact; they have earned every single one of Mr. LeBron’s bands for the school year.

While Jaime will be getting ready for basketball season at Coach Dambrot’s basketball camp and Jordan will be practicing for her fall performances, LeBron and our team will be preparing to greet the dynamic duo at our I PROMISE Family Reunion.

Keep up the great work, guys!