Hey guys!
I am so excited for the playoffs, I feel like a little kid! I’m pretty sure if we don’t start playing soon, my wife Savannah and my boys, Bronny and Bryce, may kick me out of the house!
Winning the championship is what my teammates and I have been working on since our first practice. You know that feeling when you’re alone shooting hoops, and you know it’s time to go home because the street lights just came on and mom is going to be real upset if you’re not home…but you keep playing? You say to yourself, "This last shot is for the championship." You run up and down the blacktop, cross over, trip a little (it’s all good though), fake the pass, you shout out loud, "He’s only got one defender to beat," and then it’s on, you break toward the basket, you yell, "THE SHOT IS UP," you chuck up your best step-back jumper and…SWISSSSSSSHHHH, the crowd goes wild and the NBA Championship is all yours!!
My teammates and I have to win 16 games and then that moment will be ours again.
I am not going to be able to write to you guys during the playoffs. I am focusing all of my effort and energy on winning another championship for us. I am turning off all of my cell phones, computers, and tablets to eliminate distractions.
Now, it is very important for me that you guys know that although I cannot write to you, you guys will ALWAYS be on my mind. Every night before I walk on the court, I’m going to look down at my I PROMISE bands and think about all of MY kids. I’m going to think about our PROMISE and I am going to do everything in my power to keep that PROMISE.
While I am taking care of business in Miami and on the road, you guys have some business of your own to take care of! Your year is almost over!!! I am so proud of you guys. I want you to PROMISE me that you are going to finish this year strong, be rested and prepared for your exams, listen to your teachers, and be respectful to all of your peers and your parents.
Every time you see your wrist and you read, "I PROMISE," I want you to remember that we are all in this together.
I am so proud of you guys and I cannot wait to see you in August!
Your friend,
Mr. LeBron