Hey guys!

How are MY Wheels for Ed kids doing? How was your first week back? Well, your first few days back, right? Mom told me school was canceled for a few days.

What are you most looking forward to with the start of school? I always looked forward to seeing my friends, teachers, and ESPECIALLY going back to art class. Did I ever tell you guys that is one of my favorite subjects? Still, to this day, I love art. In the conference room at my office, we hung pieces of art from every single one of our team members. Can you spot which one is mine?

My teammates and I are going to be on the road for a whole week. We start in Washington, D.C. (home of President Obama!) and we finish in Atlanta. I am definitely going to miss my family, but this is going to be the perfect time for me to catch up on my reading. How have you guys been doing with your reading?

I hope you have a great week of school. I will be thinking about all of you guys!

Your friend,
Mr. LeBron