How are my Wheels for Ed kids doing in school? I heard that report cards were sent home for the second grading period on Friday. I can’t believe how fast the school year is passing by! I am excited to see all of your hard work paying off, but do not stop just yet! We have to finish out the semester strong. Every day I challenge myself to perform better than the day before. I am keeping my PROMISE to you on and off the court and I am reminded of you every day when I look at my wrist. I love my Wheels for Ed Kids!

I want you to put your report card some place where you see it every day. If you did well, it is a reminder that you can do it, but that you can also do better. If you did not do so well, it is a reminder that you have to work harder, but do not ever forget that we are in this together!

Do your best and keep up the good work for the remainder of the school year!

Your friend,
Mr. LeBron