It’s not quite the start of the school year, but our Akron Public Schools (APS) have been buzzing with activity over these last two weeks. Why, you ask? The students in APS got a jump start to the year by participating in Pre-Fall Enrichment Camp. This camp is funded by the Foundation in partnership with APS and occurs each year to provide kids in APS with the opportunity to get ahead. Of the hundreds of students who attended the camp, 500 were our Wheels for Education kids! During this two week camp, our Wheels for Ed kids brushed up on their computer skills using Microsoft Office programs and also utilized the new tablets that were so generously donated by Samsung to all APS CLCs. Foundation team members had the opportunity to visit a couple of the tech camps at various CLCs across the district and we were proud of the work these kids were putting in! This tech camp provides a great kick start to the school year and we know our WFE kids will be prepared to hit the ground running. Many thanks to all of the teachers and staff who showed their commitment by serving these kids during tech camp. We are proud to be in partnership with APS and look forward to an amazing school year ahead!