Hey guys!

I am finally back home after being away for a couple of games and man I couldn’t be more excited! Now, I heard some of you got to meet with the new University of Akron President…how was it?? My Foundation Team told me you all have amazing aspirations of being computer programmers, engineers, scientists and baseball players. That’s fantastic! I always remember growing up and wanting nothing more than to be in the NBA, but at the same time, always trying my best in school and doing all my homework because like President Scarborough said, "It’s always good to have a back-up plan." I believe in all of you and all of your dreams, and your PROMISE of never giving up, no matter what. You all can be anything you want to be, and your PROMISE to finish school will help you get there!! I am excited to continue to hear more and more about all of your goals and dreams as you continue to go through school. I have a game tonight so I have to get running now. I hope you all have another great week of school, and my Akron I PROMISE Network students, continue to be leaders to the Wheels for Ed kids because they look up to you!

Keep up the great work.

Mr. LeBron