A Shared Vision

It all starts with a vision. You have to see it before you can first believe, and then achieve it. LeBron believes every single one of his I PROMISE students can do anything, and that is thanks in part to the incredible support system of partners he has rallied around them.

This past week, the Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons (NEOES) literally brought our students’ visions to life, providing free, comprehensive eye exams, lenses and frames to over a hundred I PROMISE students and their family members. Nearly a dozen NEOES optometrists and ophthalmologists, along with their staff, friends, and families, dedicated their Sunday to providing these critical services that many of our families often go without. After receiving their eye exams, the students had their pick of over a hundred frames to select from, which NEOES will hand deliver to the I PROMISE School once they are ready so that every student and family member can be properly fitted. Additionally, if any medical concerns came out of the exams, NEOES will work with the I PROMISE School’s Family Resource Center to make sure they have access to the future care they need.

As our kids tried on frame after frame in search of the perfect pair, their smiles lit up and eyes widened with excitement at the thought of their clear vision ahead. They can figuratively and literally see what’s possible, and that changes everything.

The team at Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons make us proud to say, "We are family."