During times of need, that’s when families are needed most. And when faced with uncertainty and discomfort, families build even deeper bonds rooted in trust and compassion.
We know how trying and unsettling times may be for many of our families who depend on their school community for sustenance, safety, and support in addition to their academic needs. The I PROMISE School is not just a place of learning, it’s a place of living. And it’s a place our students, staff and families call home.

With school closures across the district and across the country, it became our highest priority to make sure our families would still have access to the resources they always have available to them. To that end, the I PROMISE School’s Family Resource Center will remain open Monday through Friday, 8am – 6pm where they can receive any supports they may need. Whether it’s food or basic essentials, or legal or mental health services, our team and our partners are there for them. If there is a need that arises outside of those hours, we’ve established a hotline for them to call at any time, any hour, with any need that may arise. Team LJFF is manning that number and will respond quickly to any requests received.
As students left school on Friday, they went home with a care package full of food and basic essentials thanks to our generous family at Smuckers and the Akron Food Bank. These packages will continue to be available on a weekly basis throughout the school closures, with families able to drive through at IPS and pickup their prepared packages.
And we are providing all of these essential services in a smart, safe, and socially responsible way. We are adhering to all mandated guidelines and are looking out for one another in every way. From setting up a drive through situation for families to accept their packages to minimizing working group sizes and practice social distancing, whatever it takes to pull through this, we will go above and beyond.

Times like these make families stronger. We are here to help and support in any way we can, because for team LJFF, this is not about taking reactionary measures. This is about serving our families and being there for them during the ups and the downs. It’s about loving, caring, and committing to this work for a lifetime.
We will get through this TOGETHER.
We Are Family.