We Are Zips!

Motivated by 1,127 incredible lives, we are passionate about the metric of growth. The University of Akron faculty and research professionals devote countless hours to assessing our programs and measuring their impact on student growth. From standardized tests to feelings of self-worth, our experts monitor everything, yet one question still eludes us. How can we measure the impact of care?

What impact does caring have on a child’s development? At last night’s year end celebration for our The University of Akron LeBron James Family Foundation College of Education I PROMISE Mentor Program, the joyful tears of a thankful parent say care is invaluable. Led by Dr. Brad Maguth, a passionate team of graduate and undergraduate students spent their semester mentoring 35 of our Litchfield Akron I PROMISE Network students. They met twice per week. Sometimes they worked on homework. And sometimes they just talked. Regardless of what they did, the outpouring of love from mentors, mentees, and our mentees’ parents shows us that care has made a major impact.

Dr. Brad and his class are pioneers. The work of the I PROMISE Mentor program is laying the foundation for an unveiling of program-wide mentorship in the coming semesters.