No matter the world around them, our I PROMISE students continue to be a light and a beacon of hope throughout the Akron community and beyond. Recently, two of our Akron I PROMISE Network students were recognized for their passion and tremendous skills they’re using for good. Recently, two of our Akron I PROMISE Network students were recognized for their passion and tremendous skills they’re using for good.
8th grader Takya Primus-Blackmon turned her experience with the pandemic into an incredible piece of art that gained widespread attention with the Governor of Ohio showcasing it during his daily news conference and sharing it with his followers on Twitter.

Dylan West, a junior in the Global & Industry Design Academy at Buchtel CLC, represented his I PROMISE family well as he pitched his Scholarly Connections project and was announced a winner out of more than 600 entries in Northeast Ohio’s Young Entrepreneur Pitch Challenge.
We are proud of every single one of our more than 1,400 I PROMISE students in 3rd through 11th grade who are doing things big and small every day to make the world a better place. With us since 3rd grade, our Akron I PROMISE Network students are growing, learning, and becoming the leaders we’ve seen in them from day one.
Like Dylan’s hope for his program, these students will truly change the world. They are already getting started.
We Are Family.