The Foundation has been very fortunate to work with some amazing people and we’d like to tell you about one of those very special individuals. Brandi Davis is the Principal at Schumacher CLC and previously served as the Principal at Rankin CLC. In addition to her many roles and commitments, Brandi takes time to serve on the LeBron Advisory Board, which is a group of teachers, principals and administrators from Akron Public Schools (APS) who guide the Foundation in its efforts in the Wheels for Education program. Brandi has been a huge advocate of the Wheels for Education program and she truly models the passion LeBron and his Foundation have for APS. In May, Brandi along with six of her Rankin CLC students had the opportunity to travel down to Miami for LeBron’s MVP ceremony. It was an exciting experience for all and Brandi proudly ushered her students in for the ceremony; these students had worked hard during their third grade year and it was clear Brandi took great joy in making this a one in a lifetime experience for them. In August, she was right by the Foundation’s side for the Time to Promise Celebration event that honored the returning Wheels for Education fourth grade students and welcomed the incoming third graders. She doesn’t hesitate to jump right in and help where needed. Brandi demonstrates such enthusiasm when she talks about the program and interacts with her students, and the Foundation truly is fortunate to have her as part of the family!