Buchtel Hometown Hall

Though night had fallen, a friendly fluorescent glow billowing from the school’s modern glass windows lit the way for a stream of eager guests as they funneled through its doors. The frosty air came alive with the sounds of joy as parents, students, volunteers, and community partners greeted each other with open arms. It was Hometown Hall time for the Buchtel cluster of schools.

Wednesday’s festivities marked the start of the Foundation’s fourth Hometown Hall season. Three years of hands-on experience and parent-driven feedback haveshaped our most innovative program yet. And even as the program has evolved, four things have remained at its heart: food, fun, family, and fellowship.

With its largest group of families ever, the Foundation mustered its dedicated group of East Ohio Chase volunteers to staff family check-in. The group, which has serves as our official volunteer base, is a team of seasoned veterans who seamlessly mixed hugs and pleasantries with check ins and official business.

Most notable of all programming improvements was the change from Family Fireside to an interactive journey called the Tour of Akron. Piling into a magic cardboard I Promise School bus with a handful of excited students and 330 Ambassadors, the Foundation took its family on a journey. Every ten feet, the magic I Promise bus came to a stop to allow its guests to run out. Each stop signified a point on the Foundation’s journey, and is meant to educate families on key I Promise Program initiatives and how LeBron and the Foundation are serving their kids. As the journey continued, more I Promise students joined in showcasing their program.

The last stop on the tour of Akron showcased our Just Cling It program. After noting that LeBron and the Foundation rewarded families with $44,500 groceries in previous years, three more lucky names were called. Taking the Just Cling It program total to $47,500 in awarded groceries, each family left with $1,000 in grocery store credit.

Next up in our Hometown Hall season are our East Cluster schools. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 28 at East CLC. We encourage you and your family to experience this one-of-a-kind event first hand.

We are family.