Imagine starting high school knowing that past statistics say you only have a 47% chance of graduating? Would you feel defeated and up against a road block? Does the phrase "I Can’t" pop into your head?
Thankfully, we met a resilient group of students, educators, and mentors who are ready and eager to be the change. Although that stark statistic does exist at South High School in Columbus, OH, the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders have decided to take responsibility of their futures and live their own PROMISE. Team members from the LeBron James Family Foundation spent the afternoon at South High on January 23 to activate City Year-Columbus South High into the I PROMISE Network and welcome these powerful students and mentors into the LJFF family. As we listened to the personal Starfish stories that the students shared, which detailed triumph over fears, and successes over challenges, we could clearly see that these students are truly living out their PROMISE and we cannot wait to hear more stories!
Through the support of the Columbus South High School Diplomas Now program championed by City Year Columbus and the LeBron James Family Foundation’s I PROMISE Network, these 337 students are working to #Makechangehappen and graduate high school! While wearing their Bulldog Blue I PROMISE™ bands with pride, they are constantly reminded of the promise they made to themselves, their peers, their teachers, their city, and to their own futures. Welcome to the Family, City Year Columbus-South High!